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control stage中文是什么意思

用"control stage"造句"control stage"怎么读"control stage" in a sentence


  • 控制块


  • One or more intermediate production and control stages may be contracted to a holder of a manufacturing authorisation in another company
  • The system comes as a simple turn key solution easily operated with little or no experience with temperature controlled stages
  • By virtue of the small - signal model the control stage is optimized and the integrated circuit uc3875 is used to complete the control stage
    根据全桥移相zvsdc dc变换器电路的小信号模型,对其控制电路作出了优化设计,并采用移相控制芯片uc3875设计了相应的控制电路。
  • Starting from the study of thinking creativity thermodynamics which is the controlling stage of thinking creativity process , this paper analyses systematically the obtaining of thinking creativity has to overcome certain potential barrier , during the thinking process
  • The scm finishes the data collection and receives the order from the pc and control stage furniture directly . the pc processes the data from the scm and sends orders to the scm at the same time to complete the centralized management and most excellent control
    单片机完成数据采集和接收pc机下传命令,并直接控制舞台设备的运行, pc机将下位机传过来的数据进行处理同时传送各种控制命令给单片机,以实现集中管理和最优控制。
  • The nodes of control stage are complemented by plc , except the node of control center by pc . nodes are connected to can bus through the adapter of intelligent network , resulting in timely , exact and reliable transfer of multifold main architecture network data
    该系统分为控制级和设备级两层,控制级节点中,除调度中心节点使用pc机外,其余节点都由可编程序控制器( plc )完成。节点通过智能网络适配器连接到can总线上,从而实现了多主结构网络数据的及时、准确、可靠传递。
  • Secondly , the specific circuit effects in the phase - shift pwm converter and their impact on the converter dynamics are analyzed . the small - signal model is derived incorporating the effects of phase - shift control . the design of control stage of the converter are optimized based on the small - signal model theoretically
    针对全桥移相控制zvsdc dc变换器特有的电路性能以及变换器的动态特性,并结合移相控制的特点建立了全桥移相zvsdc dc变换器电路的小信号模型。
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